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Poll finds only modest support for United Ireland

A new RTÉ/BBC poll shows two thirds of respondents living in the Republic of Ireland favor political reunification of the island within their lifetime, but just under one third of those surveyed in Northern Ireland share the view.

The percentages drop to 36 percent and 13 percent, respectively, when the question of a united Ireland was framed as happening in the “short-medium term.”

Catholics living in Northern Ireland favor reunification by 27 percent, compared to just 3 percent among Protestants.

The survey also found that 74 percent of respondents living in the Republic had a “very or fairly positive” view of the 1916 Rising leaders, while just 25 percent of those in the North answered likewise.

The full survey also includes question about taxation, gay marriage and abortion. The results were part of an RTÉ special broadcast called Ireland’s Call, which can viewed here.